Beginners Arena

Key Disclaimer:

Participants must be open to learning the new skill of theatre-making, because the core aim of the programme is to learn the craft of theatre creation, and in that process, participants will ask themselves many important questions about their own lives: eg. what do you want to do?; why do you want to do that?; what effects do your actions have on your self? To fully understand the context of our work, please read the first three blogposts beginning here: Robust or responsible? — Split Theatre.

By the end of the session, participants would have:

  • Articulated a personal story with art (visually), sounds (auditory mode), and movement (kinesthetically), and therefore

  • Experienced new ways of looking at a personal story, and

  • Experienced using personal memories for the purpose of theatre-making.

Session Outline:

  • Body-Mapping Part I

    For this activity, participants will create a body map for themselves, and in that process, explore a personal story, physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, and memories.

    Participants will visually represent a personal story through this body mapping process.

  • Safe Space

    For this game, participants will get the opportunity to represent a personal story with sounds. A scaffolded process will be provided for participants.

  • 3 Chairs: Score-Building (Beginners Version)

    For this game, participants will use a personal story as a stimulus to create an original movement sequence. This activity is for people without any dance or movement background. The process is heavily scaffolded and can be customised for participants of all ages and physical capabilities.

Group discussions will take place after each activity for participants to make sense of their learnings in the context of theatre-making.


What does Split do?


The First Arena