WOR Batch 1
(Aug-Dec 2022)
Date of Performance: 11th December 2022
Venue: 169 Joo Chiat Road, #02-01, S427729
Synopsis: What they're afraid of is stopping - of taking a break. We're not as simple as we look.
Facilitators: Cheng Xin Rui, Darryl Lim
The Song ‘Stand Up For Singapore’ by Hugh Harrison will be used during our performance. SGAG’s remix ‘Lee Hsien Loong Sings: Stand Up For Singapore’ will also be played during the show.
Source: Stand Up For Singapore by Hugh Harrison © Government of the Republic of Singapore. Permission required/granted for reproduction.
Read on to find out more about our process and performance. This performance is a culmination of our advanced training programme for actors, performers, and people in Singapore who are seeking to move, live, and love in a more personal way.
The show is supported by the Sayang Sayang Community Fund, CommunityGrants@Work, and the National Youth Fund.

Foreword: Navigating our way within the Structures in Singapore
…we are often taught to follow the ‘model answers’ demonstrated for us, and we consequently find ourselves moving through life in a very ‘standardised way’.
![Aadya’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1668597863950-G5EPURJUXACJ52RPSX9B/JEN_0026.jpg)
Aadya’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]
Nonetheless, for the first time in my life, I was surrendering to each moment without (over-)analyzing my surroundings and myself. The weeks flew by, and unaware of the passage of time I found myself a different person at the end. I believe all of us, Jia Min, Dameris, Ying, Xin Rui, Darryl, and I find ourselves slightly different people at the end.

Ying’s Experience (Participant)
I already knew that coming here, it’s not going to be a walk in the park. But what this work demands, it is not just stamina, but all of my attention and presence. If I ever so slightly let my mind drift, I am no longer here. This applies to our day to day that we take so easily for granted.
![Dameris’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1668597870085-DB6V1347MDT5T8IN9R4L/JEN_0020.jpg)
Dameris’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]
My journey has been bittersweet and there are times where I question if the stress I felt before and during the sessions was worth it. In my case, I was challenged emotionally, mentally and physically.
![Jia Min’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1670413016043-HZUN4B4COVCU2ZXZW3MC/JEN_0041.jpg)
Jia Min’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]
Very often I forget to be open. I forget how closed I am. How uninterested I am in truly communicating, and instead just focused on speaking. How uninterested I am in responding to what you are doing, instead bulldozing my way through the world. I invite you because I believe you are more open than me, and because of your openness, I will be transformed.
![Xin Rui’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1670413855970-A76W8R83AGZQN1008XYU/photo_2021-12-09_02-24-49+-+Cheng+Xin+Rui+%281%29.jpg)
Xin Rui’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]
Watching these four participants evolve over the course of the…well, course, was an immensely rewarding experience for me as well, because I was able to explore my own limits alongside them. I recall running into the same walls they ran into when I was a participant, and I find new walls that need to be pushed against, if not broken down. It’s the cliche that teaching others often lets you learn better as well, and well, it’s a cliche because it’s true.
![Darryl’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1670415472594-PE2MID24JK1UWZSGRSH1/Darryl+Lim%2C+Founder+and+Artistic+Director%2C+Split+Theatre+%281%29.jpg)
Darryl’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]
The unknown is scary.