WOTS Batch 5
Feb-Apr 2023
Found in Translation

Thomas’s Experience (Participant)
Split Theatre taught me to think about how I could move the different parts of my body, and how I can express something through my body and be direct. It was truly a great experience, and I’m fortunate to have gone there.
![kayla joy’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680885084447-URY7R549AMGRRPIM4I65/IMG_20220522_194826_073-01+-+Jiaen+Koh.jpeg)
kayla joy’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]
This is not being needy
But being true
As we listen to the seed that wishes to emerge
And let it unfurl, and see it fully through
![SHAHDON’s Experience (Participant) [he/him]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680884740790-9ZF2BTBL44UDGQR6YC0S/SHAHDON+-+Shahdon+Don.jpg)
SHAHDON’s Experience (Participant) [he/him]
The quest to uncover the elusive purpose of my existence has led to working on and discovering the self. It is said that the answer lies in the journey, not the destination and the search for the self has been perilous. WOTS has been part of that journey.
![Cheryl’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680884368747-9WYGLCS41YFLXW8HO61Q/Cheryl_Headshot+-+Cheryl+Beh.png)
Cheryl’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]
How much can I allow myself to surrender and (re)discover while navigating an unfamiliar environment with minimal guidance?
![Yin’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680883645570-1T09TD6QLLQLWWWLWWW8/4EAB9627-8F73-4DDC-B20B-17243C9E6DBB+-+Tan+Yin+Wei.jpeg)
Yin’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]
On stage, I’m finally home.
![Dzang’s Experience (Participant) [he/she/they]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680883042756-WOZ8BE0AF7YKQDSWYQP8/WOTS+Headshot+-+Giang+Nguyen.jpg)
Dzang’s Experience (Participant) [he/she/they]
One day, you’ll be able to let go of everything, finish whatever you have started, and ultimately, move on.
![Aadya’s Experience (Facilitator) [she/her]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680919506337-ETUX5RVRYQY49Y9QAXSI/bab50fb6-5a1d-49e9-b614-6e87e2cae448+-+Aadya+Deshpande.png)
Aadya’s Experience (Facilitator) [she/her]
A lot of the process of facilitation for me was challenging assumptions, challenging natural habits, challenging the ‘should’, and trusting my impulses. It was a transformative journey mirroring the ones I had as a participant.
![Cheng Xin Rui’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680919101901-FML5TDLPRYKJ5F8DUFZZ/XR+Headshot+-+Cheng+Xin+Rui.jpg)
Cheng Xin Rui’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]
At some point I will run out of new things to say. But today is not that day.
![Darryl’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ea05e9b7a5fbe4ab1e70d0c/1680923077868-ASQ93MFTRANGSNSTFPJ9/Darryl+Lim%2C+Founder+and+Artistic+Director%2C+Split+Theatre+%281%29.jpg)
Darryl’s Experience (Facilitator) [he/him]
So much to uncover. So much that is still unknown.