Timothy’s Experience (Participant) [he/him]

This journey was not intended so much for self discovery as it was for exploration for the potential of multi-disciplinary artform. Going through the sessions I learnt many interesting exercises that are grounded in physical theatre yet expound on very abstract theories.

Having some background in philosophical discourse, I found it very fascinating to hear the views of my course mates and facilitators and challenge my own thoughts on the topics at hand. The concept of structure and fixing a score juxtaposed against my work as an improviser was very jarring at first. At points, I found myself bored with the work we were doing. As the weeks progressed and we started working on the devised portion of the work, I found myself excited and fascinated with the scores of my fellow course mates. I started to pilfer parts of scores from my course mates, blending what is mine with what is theirs, forming a collective mind.

I fell in love then. Becoming a shape shifter with the self at the core felt like the final transformation of my metamorphosis. I look back and wonder if a twenty-something year old me would have understood this final transformation as I do now. I say this because I understand the concept to be one where you need to have a clear enough idea of who you are as a person to be able to shape shift and (b)lend with/from others yet retain the knowledge of how the borrowed resonate true with you.

Side note: I am beyond excited to consolidate my experience into concrete exercises that I can bring into my improv classes.


Yvonne’s Experience (Participant) [she/her]


Nicholas Koh’s Experience (Participant) [he/him]