Work On Resigning Programme (in 3 Parts)

from SGD 250.00

Want to continue moving and playing? No pre-requisites for Part I (ie it is not a requirement to have gone for the basic WOTS programme.).

Part 1: 5 Sessions + up to 2 one-to-one sessions (Overcoming inhibitions and Going Beyond)

What am I afraid of? Why so formal?

For these 5 sessions, participants will confront their personal limitations through a series of physical and vocal exercises. Participants will be challenged to break their habitual ways of moving and of playing, they will learn to be specific not only with their imagination but with their bodies as well. How can one part of the body communicate to another?

The use of yoga-based movements and gymnastics may also help to create more psychophyiscal possibilities for participants. Even as participants engage in exercises, they are finding personal justification in the small details, so that the exercises transform into the mode of each participant. How can the exercises be driven by the participant’s personal need?

Do note that participants will get to personalise the exercises: it is not about completing a roll. It is about finding your way of moving differently.

Part 1 will end with a creative task (depending on the batch, it can be opened to invited friends).

Investment: S$250/-

Dates: TBC

To start a class, gather at least 3 pax and register. As soon as all 3 have registered, I’ll set the dates with you before publicising the class for more sign-ups. We’ll then proceed when there is a minimum of 3 more participants. We’ll need 6 pax for the class.

Part 2: 5 Sessions + up to 2 one-to-one sessions (Playing with Archetypes)

I have a role to play, but how often do I really play?

For these 5 sessions, participants will continue to work on their repeatable sequence of exercises created in Part 1. More exercises will be introduced, so that participants begin to be aware not only of their own bodies/minds, but also of other bodies/minds and objects in the space. In movement training terminology, one’s awareness can expand from body-mind to body-world.

Participants will then move on to explore creating a personal dramatic piece with an archetypal role recognisable in Singapore. That can be a Grab delivery person, a teacher, a sergeant major, an insurance agent, a kiasu mother etc. With their chosen archetype, each participant will construct and play with an “archetype sequence” for themselves. Playing has no limits: how can each participant push those limits for the self despite playing an archetypal role?

Part 2 will end with a mini showcase made up of the various personal dramatic pieces. A limited number of friends will be invited for the showcase. (ie non-ticketed showcase)

Investment: S$250/-

Dates TBC

Part 3: 10 Sessions + up to 4 one-to-one or small group sessions (Playing and Moving with Societal Structures)

I can move and play all I want: but what if people cannot tahan?

For these 10 sessions, participants will continue working with their archetypal sequences and they will also work with a partner or in threes to create dramatic scenes that involve the interaction/encounter between the archetypal roles. Once the various scenes are devised, ensemble pieces of the same nature will be created too. The various pieces and scenes will then be pieced together to create a participatory performance event.

Part 3 will end with a participatory performance event (ticketed).

Investment: S$500/-

Dates TBC

Psss… we want to continue making our work accessible, so if you really wish to join this programme but you can’t make the investment, we have limited subsidies (up to 15%) available. For the advanced programme, subsidies are provided for ALL ages. Apply here.

This programme is supported by the National Youth Fund.

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Want to continue moving and playing? No pre-requisites for Part I (ie it is not a requirement to have gone for the basic WOTS programme.).

Part 1: 5 Sessions + up to 2 one-to-one sessions (Overcoming inhibitions and Going Beyond)

What am I afraid of? Why so formal?

For these 5 sessions, participants will confront their personal limitations through a series of physical and vocal exercises. Participants will be challenged to break their habitual ways of moving and of playing, they will learn to be specific not only with their imagination but with their bodies as well. How can one part of the body communicate to another?

The use of yoga-based movements and gymnastics may also help to create more psychophyiscal possibilities for participants. Even as participants engage in exercises, they are finding personal justification in the small details, so that the exercises transform into the mode of each participant. How can the exercises be driven by the participant’s personal need?

Do note that participants will get to personalise the exercises: it is not about completing a roll. It is about finding your way of moving differently.

Part 1 will end with a creative task (depending on the batch, it can be opened to invited friends).

Investment: S$250/-

Dates: TBC

To start a class, gather at least 3 pax and register. As soon as all 3 have registered, I’ll set the dates with you before publicising the class for more sign-ups. We’ll then proceed when there is a minimum of 3 more participants. We’ll need 6 pax for the class.

Part 2: 5 Sessions + up to 2 one-to-one sessions (Playing with Archetypes)

I have a role to play, but how often do I really play?

For these 5 sessions, participants will continue to work on their repeatable sequence of exercises created in Part 1. More exercises will be introduced, so that participants begin to be aware not only of their own bodies/minds, but also of other bodies/minds and objects in the space. In movement training terminology, one’s awareness can expand from body-mind to body-world.

Participants will then move on to explore creating a personal dramatic piece with an archetypal role recognisable in Singapore. That can be a Grab delivery person, a teacher, a sergeant major, an insurance agent, a kiasu mother etc. With their chosen archetype, each participant will construct and play with an “archetype sequence” for themselves. Playing has no limits: how can each participant push those limits for the self despite playing an archetypal role?

Part 2 will end with a mini showcase made up of the various personal dramatic pieces. A limited number of friends will be invited for the showcase. (ie non-ticketed showcase)

Investment: S$250/-

Dates TBC

Part 3: 10 Sessions + up to 4 one-to-one or small group sessions (Playing and Moving with Societal Structures)

I can move and play all I want: but what if people cannot tahan?

For these 10 sessions, participants will continue working with their archetypal sequences and they will also work with a partner or in threes to create dramatic scenes that involve the interaction/encounter between the archetypal roles. Once the various scenes are devised, ensemble pieces of the same nature will be created too. The various pieces and scenes will then be pieced together to create a participatory performance event.

Part 3 will end with a participatory performance event (ticketed).

Investment: S$500/-

Dates TBC

Psss… we want to continue making our work accessible, so if you really wish to join this programme but you can’t make the investment, we have limited subsidies (up to 15%) available. For the advanced programme, subsidies are provided for ALL ages. Apply here.

This programme is supported by the National Youth Fund.

Want to continue moving and playing? No pre-requisites for Part I (ie it is not a requirement to have gone for the basic WOTS programme.).

Part 1: 5 Sessions + up to 2 one-to-one sessions (Overcoming inhibitions and Going Beyond)

What am I afraid of? Why so formal?

For these 5 sessions, participants will confront their personal limitations through a series of physical and vocal exercises. Participants will be challenged to break their habitual ways of moving and of playing, they will learn to be specific not only with their imagination but with their bodies as well. How can one part of the body communicate to another?

The use of yoga-based movements and gymnastics may also help to create more psychophyiscal possibilities for participants. Even as participants engage in exercises, they are finding personal justification in the small details, so that the exercises transform into the mode of each participant. How can the exercises be driven by the participant’s personal need?

Do note that participants will get to personalise the exercises: it is not about completing a roll. It is about finding your way of moving differently.

Part 1 will end with a creative task (depending on the batch, it can be opened to invited friends).

Investment: S$250/-

Dates: TBC

To start a class, gather at least 3 pax and register. As soon as all 3 have registered, I’ll set the dates with you before publicising the class for more sign-ups. We’ll then proceed when there is a minimum of 3 more participants. We’ll need 6 pax for the class.

Part 2: 5 Sessions + up to 2 one-to-one sessions (Playing with Archetypes)

I have a role to play, but how often do I really play?

For these 5 sessions, participants will continue to work on their repeatable sequence of exercises created in Part 1. More exercises will be introduced, so that participants begin to be aware not only of their own bodies/minds, but also of other bodies/minds and objects in the space. In movement training terminology, one’s awareness can expand from body-mind to body-world.

Participants will then move on to explore creating a personal dramatic piece with an archetypal role recognisable in Singapore. That can be a Grab delivery person, a teacher, a sergeant major, an insurance agent, a kiasu mother etc. With their chosen archetype, each participant will construct and play with an “archetype sequence” for themselves. Playing has no limits: how can each participant push those limits for the self despite playing an archetypal role?

Part 2 will end with a mini showcase made up of the various personal dramatic pieces. A limited number of friends will be invited for the showcase. (ie non-ticketed showcase)

Investment: S$250/-

Dates TBC

Part 3: 10 Sessions + up to 4 one-to-one or small group sessions (Playing and Moving with Societal Structures)

I can move and play all I want: but what if people cannot tahan?

For these 10 sessions, participants will continue working with their archetypal sequences and they will also work with a partner or in threes to create dramatic scenes that involve the interaction/encounter between the archetypal roles. Once the various scenes are devised, ensemble pieces of the same nature will be created too. The various pieces and scenes will then be pieced together to create a participatory performance event.

Part 3 will end with a participatory performance event (ticketed).

Investment: S$500/-

Dates TBC

Psss… we want to continue making our work accessible, so if you really wish to join this programme but you can’t make the investment, we have limited subsidies (up to 15%) available. For the advanced programme, subsidies are provided for ALL ages. Apply here.

This programme is supported by the National Youth Fund.